Finishing NaNoWriMo 2020 On the last day of November, I would like to do a post-mortem on NaNoWriMo 2020. My word count/”The Goal” I hit
Goals Worth Setting Every year at NaNoWriMo time, there are threads and articles about How To Do It. How to Write Your Book. The Resources
Current NaNoWriMo Word Count Day 1: 1438 (1438) Day 2: 3674 (5112) Day 3: 1895 (7007) Day 4: 3094 (10101) Day 5: 2028 (12129) The
Anticipation & the writing process Like most everyone I know, I am awake way past my bedtime refreshing NPR and Twitter in alternating clicks. I’m
Day 1 WC: 1438 Day 2 (currently): 4145 (+2707) Kicking off NaNoWriMo November has once again found us with two important yet dreaded events: a
We can be in the literary trenches together, even if we’re on opposite ends of the world. Welcome to Keyboard Dust Happy Halloween! Given